"I see something in animals that I don't see in humans. They have a focus and energy that humans don't have. They just want to live. They aren't trying to impress anyone. They aren't trying to hurt anyone for no reason. Even the rat you see in the subway-- his only thought is finding the food he needs to survive. Animals only want to live. It's humans that demand more than they need." - Anonymous

I love animals.All animals and especially have a soft spot for domestic animals.The first picture on the top left corner is a dog showing signs of being frightened.When dogs show the whites of their eyes while looking sideways it means they're scared,the last picture on the bottom is a box of abandoned puppies and the one right below this post is an abandoned cat. I've witnessed all three of these scenarios as I'm sure most people in Puerto Rico have. I knew when I moved to Puerto Rico, that they're definitely was a problem with stray animals,almost immediately.I attended elementary school in Santurce, where lots of strays would hang around in hopes of being thrown a morsel during lunchtime.In my second year of college, on my way to San German,where I was studying at the time, I witnessed a man at the shoulder of the expressway pull out a box  of puppies and leave them there where they surely would wander and die.As for the cat ,well I had some neighbors who abandoned their cat,when they saw she was pregnant they gave her shelter in their home.She birthed the kittens in my house.They took the kittens away from me ,who'd already found them a home,  and left the cat and one of her kittens on the street.My neighbors  moved away shortly afterwards.I adopted both of thecat who was herself just a kitten and her offspring.In a time wear domestic violence ,homicides,drug dealers gone awry take over the news it's important no to forget that  all walks of life are at risk and we must protect ourselves as well as those who can not.That said if I had an organization it would be an organization that would assure the security and care of domestic animals.

My organization would mainly concern itself with lobbying for legislation to prevent the abandonment of animals. Puerto Rico there are many amendments in the  law   that protects animals or "Ley 154" but it's obvious that these laws are not put into use or just aren't as effective as they need be.In the United States the animal must be fixed,you have to pay and have special permissions to be able to legally breed your pet.In some states they are fitted with micro chips that allow the owner to know where they are when they''re lost and if the animal has strayed and found by the police or the correspondent official in this case the owner is fined.I'm sure people in Puerto Rico would more careful if such laws were put in place.My organization would be comprised of lobbyist activist and everyday people.And like any other organizations would sustain their financing through donations. Puerto Rico has an honest need for this kind of organization.My organization would try and educate people and help them realize that animals aren't commodities,they're living beings and that they depend on humans for their welfare.


The Year We Forgot Our Names
Directed by Spike Lee (circa Do the Right Thing and Malcom X)
Theme song : "Everything in its Right Place" - Radiohead
Zoe Saldana-Nikkie
Rosario Dawson-Frances
Ryan Gosling-boyfriend
Angela Basset -Nikkie's Mom

Disillusioned and restless,towards the end of her first semester of her sophomore year in college Nikkie is frustrated.Unable to study what she truly wants ,jazz music,and under tremendous familiar pressure she reluctantly decides to leave the comforts of her hometown city to study in a small,rural mountain town to study classical music.Alone her only comfort is her one again off again boyfriend of 2 years  that live in a nearby town.Struggling to survive and suffering from mild culture shock,in a a big bible town, meets Frances,a lesbian and devout christian with two pastors fro parents,who is terrified at the possibility of being disowned when they discover she has a girlfriend .Psychedelic,euphoric and at times heartbreaking Nikkie and Frances embark on a journey of self discovery that shakes them to the core.

  1. I like animals more than I like people.
  2. My favorite singer is Lady Gaga.
  3. I suffer from terrible stage fright.
  4. I've never broken a bone.
  5. I own all three of the Lord of the Rings dvd's in special edition.