Dear Nikkie,
Don't be a drama queen.I know it's hard right now and I know you think I don't understand,but I can assure you that I do.I know high school is hard and that the kids are worse,but chill out.There are more important things you need to bear in mind.I don't want to sound like mom,but she's right,you need to get your act together.You need to stop pouting and crying ,because all of that nonsense you concern yourself with doesn't matter.What people think of you doesn't matter.They don't pay for your bills or help you in any real way.Their opinions don't validate you so stop trying to please everybody.Start learning how to be yourself it's one of the hardest things to do but you'll be so glad you did.Yes, people do suck but you need to have people skills to get by in life.Whoever said no man is an island was right.You aren't alone so don't be push people away and don't make enemies.Stop complaining.At your age and as you get older you'll realize a lot of what happens to you isn't necessarily always in your control,but some of it is.Make yourself busy it helps you with your work ethic and it makes you feel confident.You'l never get bored if you have goals to accomplish.Speaking about goals don't be mediocre and study more.I know you get good grades but why get an 89 when you could have gotten a 100 on that test had you studied at all.Study habits are what separate the winners from the losersso go find some.Procrastination at this age will only set you up for failure.Take it from me,I know.Thank me later
Yours Truely,


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