Springy bed that sprains my back.Trying and failing to stretch out my neck,muscles like hard petrified taffy that don't want to give.Groggy and tired,coughing,coughing,coughing like a bohemian starving artist with consumption or perhaps a cat heaving up a wet slimy ball of fur.Runny nose.Feeling for my eyes blinded by dust and haze and darkness.I find my kitten first glasses under.I cuddle Jack.Aww , mi amor.He latches both paws o to my arm and lays his head down he retracts his claws and then relaxes them as to not hurt me.Dizzy from getting up too quick I press my body's weight onto the aching arches of my feet.Sore as hell. Hunched over walking bowlegged limping.Pretending,  but not really, to be Quasi Modo wondering if he was bow legged.The animals swarm at my feet,wagging their tails or just yowling.I climb into the shower and leave the bathroom light off.The water is warm,lukewarm.I try to get out quickly cus anything less than hot is never good enough.Stupid solar water warmer!I need the water warm when it's cold!I leave begrudgingly back into the artificial light of the kitchen ,yellow and dingy and somehow too bright.Clean and chop clean and chop.Put it in a pot.Splash water over them wait for it to boil.Wait ,baby  your food isn't ready yet it still needs cooking.Soon soon !A kiss on my aged dog's head contemplate her sad sam stare and feel guilty for more than just a moment.The yowls become more urgent.Irritated .I limp into the extra room and grab fistfuls of cat food and drop them into separate bowls.Turn on the computer.Linger over facebook.Play catch up catch up so much homework soo much to do.It's getting late.Watch my mom walk out the door.Bendición!Resign to wearing the same jeans and same shirt.Hoping I look decent.Running now,Running ,running down the avenue.To the train station.Running up the escalator into the doors right on time.Running up the stairs panting to class.Droning droning wawawawawawawawawawa.Notes notes notes notes notes.When's the test?Work.Run run run .Here there.running.Smile and clean up smile and cleanup.Take the food.Would you like to leave a tip?No more food.Eat lunch.Laugh with coworker.Count the money.Check bank account.Subtract subtract subtract subtract.Something like poverty.Working class woes.Run back to class!JE SUIS LA!.Toujours en retrad,Yvonne,Toujours!Desolé,je travaille.Tea or hot chocolateDragging myself back home.Feed the animals.Clean the dishes.Wait to be fed.Crash into my bed.Awoken by alarms that never ring.Do it all over again.

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